The basic requirements for the recognition of an IGT wine are the following: its production takes place in the respective geographical indication, at least 85% of the grapes used for its production come exclusively from this geographical area and with an indication of the organoleptic characteristics. The requirements are less strict than those required for wines with denomination of origin (DOC). The IGT is important because it is the first step (in the pyramid) that separates the wine without indication (table wine) from the wine with an indication.

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The basic requirements for the recognition of an IGT wine are the following: its production takes place in the respective geographical indication, at least 85% of the grapes used for its production come exclusively from this geographical area and with an indication of the organoleptic characteristics. The requirements are less strict than those required for wines with denomination of origin (DOC). The IGT is important because it is the first step (in the pyramid) that separates the wine without indication (table wine) from the wine with an indication.

Since 2010 the classification IGT has been included in the community category IGP (as well as the DOCG and DOC in the DOP).

This category includes wines produced in specified regions or geographical areas (authorized by law), according to a specific production scheme; on the label can be put in addition to the indication of the color, the indication of the grapes used and the grape vintage year, the latter is optional.

Usually IGT includes wines produced on very large areas (typically a region but also very large provincial areas) according to much less restrictive and austere specifications than DOC wines. It is also appropriate to point out that, sometimes, the location of a wine among IGT is due both to commercial decisions as to the impossibility, because of their composition (used grapes or other aspects of the production process), to be integrated in the specifications as DOC or DOCG production.

In the case of our Rosso Lazio IGP and Bianco Lazio IGP, the grapes come from the south of Lazio (in the areas of Aprilia and Latina). For Bianco Lazio IGP we use especially Trebbiano and Malvasia grapes, while for Rosso Lazio IGP we use Merlot, Cesanese, Montepulciano grapes which percentages vary according to the vintages.


Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cesanese


Temperatura di servizio 16-18° C

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